Keeping Faith
Through Perseverance.

Surviving Childhood Pain is the inspiring story of a spunky child who navigated a difficult childhood through her abiding faith in the God.

My Story

Dr. Nasheria Lewis is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse range of expertise and accomplishments. As an Entrepreneur, Writer, Speaker, and Author, she has dedicated her life to promoting health and well-being and empowering others to achieve optimum health. With a strong educational background and extensive professional experience, Dr. Lewis has made significant contributions to the field of healthcare and has successfully ventured into the business world.

Dr. Nasheria Lewis
Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.
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Sherry prayed to find a way to help her hard working mother to not have to struggle so much, so she made a deal with the Lord to have her mother agree to let her stay with her father, whom she dearly loved, and in return she would stick to the bargain, no matter how much she missed her mom and her sisters.

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